
Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Some Steps to Help You Retire Early

By Timmy Morre

Most people start working when they are around 20 and don't retire until they are well into their 60s. That is not a bad thing if you love what you are doing. But if you are just working a job that you don't like to support your family there is no need to work that long.

If you really spend time managing your finances you can retire much sooner. So, how do you do this. There are 3 steps to allow you to retire in your 40s, 30s, or even sooner.

1. Start Investing Money

There is a reason that the U.S. gives tax breaks to people who invest into their 401k. It is so that more people do invest so that they will be better prepared for retirement once it comes around. Without programs like 401ks and social security most people would never be able to retire.

By investing your money by doing things such as buying rental properties and investing into stocks you can have something which is solid and will most likely appreciate over the long term. This means a lot more wealth and extra income for you.

2. Look For Passive Income

Whenever you retire you will still have to pay the bills that are coming your way. Because of this you will need to replace your income that you get from your job with something. If you do really want to retire the best thing to replace it with is passive income or income that comes to you whether you are working for it or not.

There are a lot of passive income ideas that you can get involved in. Most people wait until the government gives them passive income through social security before they retire. But this is not the only, or best way of doing this.

Some quicker methods would be to write a book and get it published or to build a business on the side.

3. Live Below Your Means

The less you spend the less money you will need to retire. If you watch where your money is going and only spend on things that you really do need and stop wasting your money you will be surprised at just how much you over consume and just how happy you can be without doing it.

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