
Thursday, 3 November 2011

Is It Really Worth Making Use of the ZuluTrade Free Auto-Trade?

By Owen Moore

ZuluTrade is an innovative Forex broker that offers auto-trading platform for their registered traders. They provide free auto-trade platform which you can enjoy for your life while they take care of your transactions even without your presence.

ZuluTrade is developed to allow automatic execution of Forex trades signals. Its trade robot handles the execution of various trade signals that are offered by different Forex signal providers in the market. Since its establishment back in 2007, ZuluTrade has significantly increased its presence in different parts of the world. It is headquartered in Athens, Greece and operates other branch offices in major cities like Shanghai, New York, and Hong Kong. Currently it has more than 15,000 trading clients registered with its online trading network and is executing trades in approximately 183. Using ZuluTrade auto-trade is simple and free.

Merits Of Using ZuluTrade Auto-Trade

1. Their Forex Trading is Automated

The design of ZuluTrade effectively combines online Forex trading with social features that allows traders to easily execute their trades. The auto-trade also allows the online currency trader to automatically mimic preferred trades so that they easily take advantage of other experts' strategies from 60 Forex brokers worldwide. ZuluTrade allows the auto-trader to choose the desire signal providers and experts to follow. ZuluTrade auto-executes transactions for free ones the auto-trader has selected the provider signal.

2.User Interface

ZuluTrade provide the best trading interface. They provide a page where their registered auto-traders can formulate and compile their portfolio. The auto-trader is allowed to add multiple signal providers to the Forex account. You can also configure many aspects on the user interface including portfolio and various other parameters from the signal providers selected. These including setting risk limits, different multipliers, stop loss targets etc.

3.Risk Management

Another benefit of ZuluTrade free auto-trade is that they offer useful functions for money management and risk control. ZuluTrade uses a tool known as "Margin-Call-o-Meter" which is well developed to protect auto-traders from effects of margin calls. This is a very important tool that you should not neglect. Most clients who have avoid this tool ended up making much loss due to high leverage. Such auto-traders end up making huge sums of money.

4. ZuluTrade Broker Integrates With AAAFX

The integration between ZuluTrade and AAAFX broker offers several advantages to auto-traders. First, auto-traders enjoy lowest slippage offered by AAAFX unlike other signal providers. Always they are among the top 3 brokers offering lowest slippage. Lowest slippage potentially allows auto-traders to closely mirror the performance of their trades. In addition, the trader can potentially pocket more pips due to low slippage and take advantage at any time.

5.Free Accounts Management

ZuluTrade is preferred for offering free account management on behalf of its auto-traders. The auto-trader only does the task of selecting signal providers. The ZuluTrade will actually execute all the transactions on behalf of the trader free of charge. This is service is however only offered to traders who have matched the signal provider's activity. In addition, ZuluTrade require no third-party wire transfers and no minimum capital investments. All funds are held by the trader's brokerage account.

Demerits Of Using ZuluTrade Auto-Trade

1. Over-Relying On Someone Else's Trading Expertise Skills

Relying on someone else' skill is the greatest ZuluTrade strength but it turns out to be its strongest weakness. ZuluTrade is developed to help the trader ride on experts' skills. It is truly a serious weakness simply because anyone can claim to offer the best signal which may not be true. This can lead to poor quality trading system on the website making traders abandon many trading systems.

2. Signal Providers Are Not Being Filtered

ZuluTrade uses different several signal providers most of which become inactive and obsolete. Unfortunately, there is no method in place to filter out inactive and abandoned signal providers. They just litter the site serving no purpose. Even some profitable signal providers do crash and burn due to high-risk strategy thus need to be removed from the website.

3.Inconsistent Opening And Closing Operations

Several ZuluTrade auto-traders especially from America complain of inconsistent operations when opening and closing orders. This is due to the new regulation being enforced by NFA FIFO. The new regulation prevents the trader from closing the second open operation when the first one is still open.


Despite these few demerits, ZuluTrade still remains the best that you can use to execute your trades even when asleep. I would say no broker is perfect and everyone has their own weaknesses. ZuluTrade is best for providing several different outstanding trading opportunities. You can make loads of cash using ZuluTrade without your presence by careful selecting good signal providers and putting due diligence to practice.

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