
Sunday, 7 August 2011

Nurturing Strategies You Can Start Applying Today

By Abigail F. Xavier

No matter what school of thought you follow when it comes to parenting, the most important thing is to have a solid foundation and a good rapport with your children. This may not seem like a brilliant or original observation, but it's something very crucial that is often neglected when looking at family dynamics. Unfortunately, the most typical parenting style one adapts is the one that was learned from one's own parents, no matter how inadequate or even damaging this may have been. That's how the same problems are often passed along from one generation to the next. However, if you are reading this then at least you are making the noble effort to become aware. Parenting is not a skill that comes naturally to everyone, and it's not something that's taught in college.

While many parents have trouble coping with the behavior of their toddlers, you actually have several choices available to you. You can use the fact that these young children have very short attention spans to your advantage. Distracting your toddler towards something new and less troublesome, then, is the simplest and often the most successful strategy. There's a good chance that you've stumbled upon this method through your own experience, as many parents do. There is such a natural and almost logical thinking behind it. The idea is to divert your toddler the moment he or she is beginning to act up. With practice, you should be able to identify which objects or activities work best for this purpose.

The reason that we try to teach our children values is to prepare them for life. Your job as a parent includes providing for them physically, and preparing them mentally for later in life. A good skill to impart is to be polite to other people in their presence which hopefully will help them learn about co-operation. If you want your children to learn how to be considerate to others, you should be courteous to them, especially if you find yourself ordering them on a daily basis. A parent that is a good role model will do things in this manner habitually, reinforcing the fact that this is the behavior that should be assumed and learned. This type of conduct is learned, therefore by doing this yourself you are showing them how to interact with others.

Psychologists for many years have been documenting the different types of parenting approaches and behaviors that can occur. One type of parenting behavior is the one that gives up and lets their children run the house. A better strategy is to learn how to talk with your teenagers about some of the dangers they may face in life. This would include telling them about the dangers of drugs, and how drinking alcohol and smoking could be detrimental to their health. By taking the time to discuss these difficult issues, research has shown that doing so is actually helpful for teenage children. This type of interaction seems to help the teenagers become more willing to listen to the advice of others.

Your children and teens will push you and make you employ as many parenting techniques as you have in your bag of tricks. So during difficult and challenging times, keep it simple and basic.

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